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Our Infant/Toddler Licensed Group Daycare hours of operation are from 8:00am - 5:00pm. The following daily schedule is an outline of a typical day with the infants and toddlers. Keep in mind again that, if needed, the schedule will include children’s individual needs based on their age.


Please find our daycare closure policy here.

Sample Daily Schedule

Centre opens
8:00 – 9:00 

Free play

Diapering/bathroom routine

Hand washing

9:00 – 9:20 

Morning snack

9:20 – 9:40 


9:40 – 10:50   

Indoor/Outdoor play

10:50 – 11:00     

Diapering/bathroom routine

Hand washing

11:00 -12:00   



For those children who do not take a nap we encourage quiet time, this time allows them to rest, wind down and not disrupt sleeping children. We have a separate room allocated for quiet time activities such as reading, puzzles, drawing etc…


12:00 – 2:30      

Nap (time will vary with each child)

Quiet free play

Diapering/bathroom routine

Hand washing

2:30 – 3:00     

Afternoon snack

*These times are all flexible depending on children’s needs

3:00 – 5:00       

Free play


Going home time


Centre closed


Here are some of the activities and experiences

your child will enjoy at the centre:

At Aubrey Daycare Centre we believe in responsive planning. Responsive planning is one of the keys to building relationships with each child in the group. Even though we develop a plan for each day, we will always be open to following children's interests and addressing their needs. As we work with the children, we observe and think about what we see and hear, and respond instantly in the moment!


Our program will build on your child’s natural curiosity about the world. Staff will carefully set up the environment so that your child will find interesting things to explore and learn from everyday activities. 


Playing with Toys 

Toys are natural teachers. Children learn new skills while they have fun.

Our program has a selection of toys appropriate for the ages and interests of the children.

Dabbling in Art 

Using art materials to express ideas and emotions gives children another language for communicating. For very young children, art activities are sensory experiences.

Enjoying Stories and Books 

The warm feelings your child experiences when you cuddle together and read a book or tell a story can lead to a lifelong love for reading. 

Exploring Sand

and Water 

Water play and sand play lead to discoveries (such as what happens when water is added to sand), and develop fine motor skills (such as pouring sand into a pail).

Having Fun with

Music and Movement 

Music and movement experiences take place every day in our centre, listening to different kinds of music, moving to music, singing songs, and creating music with simple instruments. 

Going Outdoors 

Time outdoors is important for a child’s health and well-being. Your child will have lots of outdoor playtime and enjoy a range of experiences.​


Themes and Special Occasions

We will incorporate different themes into our activities such as; weather, transportation, feelings, multi-cultural events and holidays etc. slowly introducing children to all these different experiences. 

Imitating and


Pretend play builds imagination, promotes social skills, and is one of the ways your child gains a better understanding of daily experiences. Imitation is the beginning of pretend play.

Tasting and

Preparing Food 

When you allow your child time to mash, smear, and squish food around, you encourage rich sensory experiences. Inviting your toddler to help prepare meals with you is a wonderful way to promote thinking, social, and fine motor skills all at the same time. 

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